Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Baby!

Well I havent got to tell you about my little baby that I got about 6 months ago. He was born on Mothers Day and he is the best thing that could have entered into my life well except for Chad. He is cute and fluffy. And the newest part of the family. Everyone please meet my dog Banditt!!

He is a Siberian Husky. Isn't he so cute!

He sleeps every where. He loves the tile the most because its nice and cold

Tigger has a new buddy to hang out with now. At first he didn't know what to do when he brought Banditt home but now they just can't get enough of each others.

Isn't that so percious!

Sorry about the red eye but he is my little baby and I love him so much! I just wish he was still this small. He is almost as big as Tigger now.
(More pictures to come)